I built a guitar!
So no big deal, I just built my own guitar… like I knew anything about woodworking…
(more…)So no big deal, I just built my own guitar… like I knew anything about woodworking…
(more…)Hi. I’m Karsten. I went to Japan. For almost 3 weeks. And I’m allergic to Soy. But I survived. So I’m probably invincible.
(more…)After moving I put my Lego Star Wars Milenium Falcon back together. And then I thought that was fun and wanted to keep playing with Lego. But instead of paying for other overpriced models that I don’t care to have Read more…
During my travel-heavy consultant years, I picked up a remote study program. Business Psychology from which I graduated 2 years ago now, 7 years after my PhD. After studying the foundations, like statistics and basic psychology, the classes became more Read more…
I waited for my first public conference presentation until the year all of these had to shut down. Great timing… But Roar Media organized their Digital Transformation Conference virtually and invited me to talk about the generation gap in the Read more…
Seit Anfang des Jahres beschäftige ich mich wieder intensiv damit Musik zu machen. Jetzt habe ich beschlossen meine eigene Version des Steigerlieds zu basteln. Eine, die mir selbst gefällt. Und weil sowas nicht auf Anhieb funktioniert, zumindest bei mir nicht, Read more…
Many offices have a messy kitchen. And whenever there’s a messy kitchen, there are people complaining about it. In chat rooms, during lunch, at company meetings, on signs in the kitchen… you name it. “Your mom doesn’t work here!” they yell. And while we are bothered with how difficult it seems for others to keep the kitchen clean, we ignore the real reason behind all this: The company culture.
The team has to take ownership! That’s what they all say. And they don’t understand, why the team doesn’t. They take ownership themselves. And they told the team to do the same. Yet, it’s not happening. We probably need a new team, this one is useless…
I personally witnessed a gazillion cases like this. People are concerned that software developers don’t deliver high quality or employees don’t keep the kitchen clean. And everything in between. When you think about it, you can probably come up with similar examples from your reality.
But what to do? The underlying concern regarding other people’s behavior is very reasonable. More often than not we judge behavior without thinking about the motives behind them. We forget to look into the underlying reasons for behavior. That’s what humans tend to do, see the ‘what’ and not the ‘why’.
We live in a globalized world. Interacting with different cultures all the time. And it is becoming more and more important to be able to deal with this. Cross-cultural competence is what HR calls it in employment ads. What they mean is, you should be able to successfully collaborate with others from different cultures. And no, telling them what you want, is certainly not the right way. It’s way more complicated than that… (more…)
Soccer City, das größte Stadion in Afrika und die Nummer 12 in der Welt (laut Wikipedia, Nr. 4 wenn wir American Football Stadien nicht mitzählen). Und bei der vielleicht meist beachteten Paarung Südafrikas war ich mittendrin. Nach vielen aufregenden Momenten auf dem Weg hin und während des Spiels, musste ich ja aber auch noch zurückkommen…
Soccer City. Das Stadion, dass ich schon bei der WM in Südafrika 2010 immer bewundert habe. Zu Spiel zweier regionalen Rivalen, dem Soweto Derby. Nach meinem abenteuerlichen Weg zum Stadion und dem erfolgreichen Erwerb einer Eintrittskarte wollte ich auch ins Stadion um Spiel und Stimmung zu erleben.
2010 war meine WM (Berichte in Wort und Bild). Gemeinsam mit meinem mexikanischen Busenkumpel Roberto habe ich nur 2 Spiele verpasst. Insgesamt. Und immer wieder dachte ich dabei, wie geil das Stadion in Soweto, Johannesburg, Südafrika doch ist, das sie Soccer City nennen und wie gern ich da mal rein möchte…